Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First Crimson Moon Review is In

Writing Status -- None
Mood -- Happy But Hot
Playing on itunes -- What You Waiting For? by Gwen Stefani

Just wanted to share this really quickly before I get an ice cold shower since we are STILL without A/C.  The first review for Crimson Moon is in and I'm so relieved. I wasn't sure how the story would be received.  Ashira at Happily Ever After Reviews gave it a 4.5/5 Teacups and had this to say:

If you love intrigue and romance, then this is the novel for you! I hope that I get to read more about Caleb and Emma again soon.

You can read the review in its entirety by clicking HERE.

I hope to make the blogging rounds tomorrow to check in with everyone.  It's too difficult to write or blog when you're trapped in the coolest room in the house (the basement) with all your crazed children as it's raining outside and there is nothing for them to do.