Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between Release Date

I've got great news: Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between will release on May 3rd, 2011. It will be available at Mundania Press,, Fictionwise (which can take a bit longer to show in the database, as a warning), and Barnes and Noble. For those who haven't read it (or for those who are interested) the e-book will be $4.99, which is a significant decrease from $6.95. The print edition will be slightly more expensive (I believe it will be $12.95) as the book has a full wrap around cover and is created with the best paper and materials to ensure the book lasts. There will be bonus materials, including an author's note, the vignettes from my blog, and the first two chapters of The Renfield Syndrome.

Thank you for being so patient during this transition. I'm currently getting The Renfield Syndrome into fighting form for release in August. I hope you enjoy the revised edition of Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between!


Dara Young said...

Congratulations! I know you've been working hard on getting this together for re-release.

Kaye Manro said...

Congrats!! That's not far either!

J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

Thank you, thank you! ;) I'm really excited. Hope you two had a wonderful weekend.

Escape by Fiction said...

Your book sounds great, I'll definitely have to look for it next time I go to the bookstore.

Check out by review blog if you have a chance: Escpae by Fiction

BTW - what's your fav NIN song? I've always liked Down In It and Head Like a Hole

J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

Hey There ;)

Very nice blog you have there! Favorite NIN song, that's tough! Let me think... probably Something I Can Never Have. The lyrics to that song always move me. Pretty Hate Machine is a great album.

Gwen said...

I just finished re-reading Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between today and I can't wait for TRS now! Your sample chapter really has me thinking...

J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...

Hi Gwen,

I'm glad you liked the story enough to read it a second time around! ;) I'm not sure if the second book will or will not be what people think. I'm excited for August! :)

Have a wonderful week.
