Thursday, June 3, 2010

Crimson Moon Now in Print

Just got the word, Crimson Moon is available as an early bird special at The Wild Rose Press.  If you planned to purchase a copy in print, be sure to click the link below!


Shawna Thomas said...

Congratulations on your release and I'm so sorry to hear about the pirating situation.

It sucks.

'I like your works so much I'm going to steal it so you're working for free.' just doesn't make sense to me.


April Vine said...

Congrats on your new release!
Looking forward to it.

Kaye Manro said...

Wow Jaime! Sorry I missed this yesterday. A big congrats to you on the print release of Crimson Moon! I love that title.

Shawna Thomas said...

Hey, Jaime. I nominated you for a reward on my blog.

MamaKitty said...

YAAAAY! Crimson Moon is in print! I need to get my very own shiny new copy! =)