Monday, July 19, 2010

Crimson Moon / Eternity and a Day Contest

Want to win a personalized copy of Crimson Moon? Or how about a digital copy of Eternity and a Day? 

This week I'm holding a contest with each of these titles listed as a prize.  All you have to do is to leave a comment, tell me which book it is you'd like to read, and I'll throw your name into a hat. (If you'd like a chance at both, leave two comments versus the one, and please include your email address.) It's that simple.

I'll draw a name Saturday morning and announce the winners.  Contest is open to all commenters, including those outside of the U.S.

**Click cover art to read blurb/excerpts**


Anonymous said...

*raises hand* I would love to have a copy of Crimson Moon! :-)

Anonymous said...

*raises hand, again* And I would love to have a digital copy Eternity and a Day. :-)

Louise said...

I would LOVE a personalized copy of Crimson Moon, too! Thanks for the chance! :)

Sarah said...


I didn't realize I wasn't following you. Shame on me!

I would love to enter for the copy of Crimson Moon!

Jodi Langston-Wildlypoetic said...

I would love Crimson Moon. Thx

Unknown said...

Crimson Moon for me too!!!

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

donnas said...

I would love the chance to read Crimson Moon. Thanks!!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Anonymous said...

Would love a copy of Crimson Moon!


Anonymous said...

Would also love Eternity and a Day!


Vidisha said...

Would love to read it

wulfie said...

Crimson Moon please.

wulfie said...

Eternity and Day also please.

Anonymous said...

YIKES... I didn't include my email address in either of my entries. *hangs head* sorry :-(


Melanie said...

I would love to read Crimson Moon. Thanks!!! :D


Melanie said...

I would love to read Crimson Moon. Thanks!!! :D


jeanette8042 said...

I would love to read Crimson Moon! Thanks for the contest!

lilazncutie1215 @

Anonymous said...

Oh please count me in for Crimson Moon!





Twimom227 said...

*pick me, pick me!* LOL My first choice is Eternity and a Day, but I'd be happy with either! (or both!)

Hope you are having a good day!

Shawna Thomas said...

Oh... choices, choices. I think I'd like Eternity and a Day!

JoAnna said...

I would love to read Crimson Moon.

JoAnna said...

I would love to read Eternity and A Day.


wildlower said...

I would love a personalize copy of Crimson Moon.


wildlower said...

I would like Eternity and A Day.


Beth ( said...

I've heard so much about Crimson Moon! Plus I'm a huge shifter fan! I'd love to read this! :)

EVA SB said...

Can I join in? I'd love to read Crimson Moon![@]gmail[.]com

Unknown said...

I have read fantastic reviews of Crimson Moon, would love to read it, please enter me too.

I'm an old follower :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Just checked out Eternity and a Day and it sounds exciting too, so please enter me for that one too, thank you :-)

I'm an old follower :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Thank you!

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Hey Jaime! I loved Dead, Undead so much I have to give Crimson Moon a try too. :) Sounds like a great story. :) Thank you for the chance to win it.


Marnie said...

Crimson Moon --- just because I love that title.

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of Crimson Moon.

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of Eternity and a Day.

Chelsea / Vampire Book Club said...

I JUST got a copy of Crimson Moon (which is my next read when I finish my ARC of The Iron Daughter).

So, would you please put my name in the figurative hat for the digital copy of Eternity and a Day?

chelsea AT

Chelsea / Vampire Book Club said...

I JUST got a copy of Crimson Moon (which is my next read when I finish my ARC of The Iron Daughter).

So, would you please put my name in the figurative hat for the digital copy of Eternity and a Day?

chelsea AT

Nicole said...

YAY! I would love to win Crimson Moon!

Nicole said...

Me again, Double WOW, I'd love the chance to win Eternity too!

mslizalou said...

Pick me! I would love a copy of Crimson Moon.

mslizalou (at) comcast (dot) net

Nastassia said...

I would like a chance to read Crimson Moon.


Renee said...

I would like a copy of CRIMSON MOON, please (:

mcdonaldrenee1 (at) gmail (dot) com

As I Lay Bleeding said...

Crimson Moon!!!!


nedsped at gmail dot com

Stacey Smith said...

i would love to have a Copy of Crimson Moon been wanting that Book


Anonymous said...

I'd love to win Crimson Moon!


Fi-chan said...

enter me for Crimson Moon!

sounds good!

thank you btw!

feeyonachan at gmail dot com

jellybelly82158 said...

I would love to win Crimson Moon

jellybelly82158 said...

I would love to read Eternity and a Day

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read Crimson Moon.

debbie said...

I would like to read crimson moon.

k_sunshine1977 said...

i would love to read eternity and a day....

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

k_sunshine1977 said...

and i would love to read crimson moon! what can i say - i love to read! :)

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

Amy said...

I would love a personalized copy of Crimson Moon!


Carmen R said...

I would enjoy getting my hand on a copy of Crimson Moon

hdtermite at yahoo dot com

Julie S said...

These books sound great. Count me in the giveaway.


heatwave16 said...

Crimson Moon please...:)


Anonymous said...

I would love to have a copy of Crimson Moon! Thanks for the Contest!

Cassandra C
cassandra dot crouser at yahoo dot ca

Breanne said...

I would LOVE to win Eternity and a Day! It sounds amazing and I even recently got a Nook to put it on :)

bmweida at yahoo dot com

Breanne said...

I'd also like to read Crimson Moon!

bmweida at yahoo dot com

JenM said...

I'd love to win Crimson Moon. It sounds great.


JenM said...

I just checked out Eternity and a Day and it sounds really interesting so I'd love a chance to win it also. I love stories that feature the Fae.


Scott Romanski said...

Would love Crimson Moon

lastrideusa AT yahoo DOT com

Yvonne said...

I would love a chance to win Crimson Moon. I've been hearing all the buzz about it on Twitter.

Yvonne said...

Would also love to read Eternity And A Day too!

Mel said...

I'd like to win Crimson Moon =D